
Hugo, Victor(-Marie)

法国诗人、剧作家和小说家。将军之子,二十岁以前已是娴熟的诗人。诗剧《克伦威尔》(1827)使他成为浪漫主义的重要人物。诗歌悲剧《候拿尼》(1930)的上演,是浪漫派对传统古典派的一次着名的胜利。後来的剧本包括《逍遥王》(1932)和《吕伊.布拉斯》(1938)。最着名的小说有:《钟楼怪人》(1831),描述中世纪生活;《悲惨世界》(1862),关於罪犯尚万强(Jean Valjean)的故事。这两本书受到极大欢迎,使他成为世界上最成功的作家。晚年为政治人物和政治作家,因持共和观点,而在1851~1870年流亡在外。这段时间创作了范围最广泛,也最具原创性的作品,包括政治讽刺诗集《惩罚集》(1853)、《沈思录》(1856)、《街道与林木之歌》(1865)和《历代传说》(1859,1877,1883)。1876年任参议员。死後以民族英雄葬於先贤祠。


Hugo, Victor(-Marie)

French poet, dramatist, and novelist. The son of a general, he was an accomplished poet before he was 20. With his verse drama Cromwell (1827) he emerged as an important figure in Romanticism. The production of his poetic tragedy Hernani (1830) was a famous victory for Romantics over traditional classicists. His later plays included Le roi s'amuse (1832) and Ruy Blas (1838). His best-known novels are The Hunchback of Notre Dame (1831), an evocation of medieval life, and Les misérables (1862), the story of the convict Jean Valjean; their huge popularity made him the most successful writer in the world. In later life he was a politician and political writer. He spent the years 1851-70 in exile for his republican views, producing his most extensive and original works, including Les chatiments (1853), poems of political satire, Les contemplations (1856), Les chansons des rues et des bois (1865), and The Legend of the Centuries (1859, 1877, 1883). He was made a senator in 1876, and he was buried in the Pantheon as a national hero.

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