




Period after the American Civil War affecting former Confederate states. Problems associated with readmitting the 11 Southern states were confronted first by Pres. Abraham Lincoln, who planned to readmit states in which at least 10% of the voters had pledged loyalty to the Union. This lenient approach was opposed by the Radical Republicans, who passed the Wade-Davis Bill. Pres. Andrew Johnson continued Lincoln's moderate policies, but enactment in the South of the black codes and demand in the North for stricter legislation resulted in the Reconstruction Acts of 1867. These established military districts in the South and required the Southern states' acceptance of the 14th and 15th Amendments to the Constitution to ensure the freedmen's civil rights. Southern resentment of the imposed government, which included Republicans, carpetbaggers, and scalawags, and of the activities of the Freedmen's Bureau led to the formation of such terrorist groups as the Ku Klux Klan and the Knights of the White Camelia. By the 1870s conservative Democrats again controlled most state governments in the South. While Reconstruction was often seen as a period of corruption, many constructive legal and educational reforms were introduced.

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