
以绝色着称的义大利贵族仕女家族。枢机主教马萨林(Jules Mazarin)的侄女们,早年便移居法国。罗拉.麦西尼,默克尔女公爵(1636~1657),嫁给路易.凡登,此人为默克尔公爵,国王亨利四世(Henry IV)的孙子。奥林佩.麦西尼,苏瓦松女伯爵(1639~1708),路易十四世的情妇。她和妹妹玛利安涉嫌卷入「毐杀事件」的丑闻,并被指控毐杀自己的丈夫;她同时也是萨伏依的欧根的母亲。玛莉.麦西尼,科隆纳王妃(1640~1715),也是路易十四的情妇;马萨林暗里使计破坏他们的结合,而她大半生都在西班牙度过。赫泰斯.麦西尼,马萨林女公爵(1646~1699),嫁给查理.波特,他则因此夺得了马萨林的封号;赫泰斯离开丈夫後,成为英国国王查理二世(Charles II)宫廷里的出名美女。玛利安.麦西尼,波瓦隆女公爵(1649~1714),以她的文学沙龙着称,但因涉嫌所谓的毐杀女巫乐娃辛(凯撒琳.蒙娃辛)事件而於1680年遭到放逐。

Mancini family

Family of Italian sisters, noblewomen noted for their great beauty. Nieces of Cardinal Jules Mazarin, they moved to France at an early age. Laure Mancini, duchesse de Mercoeur (1636-1657), married Louis de Vend?me, duc de Mercoeur and grandson of King Henry IV. Olympe Mancini, comtesse de Soissons (1639-1708), was a mistress of Louis XIV. She was involved with her sister, Marie Anne, in the notorious "Affair of the Poisons" and was also accused of poisoning her husband; she was the mother of Prince Eugene of Savoy. Marie Mancini, princesse de Colonna (1640-1715), was also a mistress of Louis XIV; Mazarin intrigued to prevent their marriage, and she spent most of her life in Spain. Hortense Mancini, duchesse de Mazarin (1646-1699), married Armand Charles de la Porté, who assumed the Mazarin title. After leaving her husband, she became a famous beauty at the English court of Charles II. Marie Anne Mancini, duchesse de Bouillon (1649-1714), was known for her literary salon, but was banished in 1680 for the alleged poisoning of the sorceress La Voisin (Catherine Monvoisin).

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