
Sartre, Jean-Paul



Sartre, Jean-Paul

French philosopher, novelist, and playwright, the foremost exponent of existentialism. He studied at the Sorbonne, where he met Simone de Beauvoir, his lifelong companion and intellectual collaborator. His first novel, Nausea (1938), narrates the feeling of revulsion that a young man undergoes when confronted with the contingency of existence. Huis-clos (1944, No Exit) became the most widely celebrated of his several plays. In Being and Nothingness (1943) he places human consciousness, or nothingness (néant), in opposition to being, or thingness (être); consciousness is nonmatter and thus escapes all determinism. With his treatise Existentialism and Humanism (1946), these works formed the foundations of postwar existentialism. He learned the phenomenology of Edmund Husserl and used it in Imagination (1936), Sketch for a Theory of the Emotions (1939), and The Psychology of Imagination (1940), and he later examined Marxism in Critique of Dialectical Reason (1960). His final works included an autobiography, The Words (1963), and the huge study Flaubert (4 vols., 1971-72). A central figure of the French left, he opposed the Vietnam War and supported the 1968 revolutionaries. He declined the 1964 Nobel Prize for Literature.

分类标签: the and 存在主义