
美国戏剧家族。莫里斯.巴瑞摩(1847~1905,原名赫伯特.布莱思)在伦敦首演舞台剧後,於1875年迁居纽约,取巴瑞摩为艺名。後来加入戴利(Augustin Daly)的公司,1876年娶乔治亚娜.德鲁(Georgiana Drew,出身德鲁家族)为妻。他们的大儿子莱昂内尔(Lionel, 1878~1954)後来成为百老汇着名演员,上演过《彼得.依贝特森》(1917)、《铜头蛇》(1918)之类的戏剧,1926年往好莱坞发展,演出电影《自由的灵魂》(1931,获奥斯卡奖)和《大饭店》(1932)。他以性格演员着称,一共拍过两百多部电影,包括十五部《基尔德尔博士》系列片。他的妹妹埃塞尔(Ethel, 1879~1959)曾在伦敦演出《钟声》和《彼得大帝》(1898),1901年在百老汇演出《外行的金克斯上尉》一剧。1928年在纽约开设埃塞尔.巴瑞摩剧院,演出《上帝王国》,後来在《玉米青青》(1942)领衔主演。曾拍过三十几部电影,包括《寂寞芳心》(1944,获奥斯卡奖)和《螺旋梯》(1946)。他们的弟弟约翰(1882~1942)在《公正》(1916)、《理查三世》(1920)和《哈姆雷特》(1922)等剧中取得名声。所演的电影包括《化身博士》(1920)和《晚宴》(1933)。他是个酗酒者,以浮夸的举止闻名。约翰的孙女茱儿巴瑞摩(Drew Barrymore, 1975~)七岁时就在《E. T.外星人》(1982)饰演一角,引人注目。

Barrymore family

U.S. theatrical family. Maurice Barrymore (born Herbert Blythe) (1847-1905) made his stage debut in London before moving to New York (1875), where he adopted Barrymore as his stage name. He joined Augustin Daly's company and in 1876 married Georgiana Drew, of the theatrical Drew family. Their eldest child, Lionel (1878-1954), became a leading Broadway actor in such plays as Peter Ibbetson (1917) and The Copperhead (1918), then moved to Hollywood in 1926, where he appeared in such films as A Free Soul (1931, Academy Award) and Grand Hotel (1932). Famous as a character actor, he made some 200 films, including 15 “Dr. Kildare” pictures. His sister Ethel (1879-1959) appeared in London in The Bells and Peter the Great (1898) and on Broadway in Captain Jinks of the Horse Marines (1901). She opened the New York theater named for her in 1928 in The Kingdom of God and later starred in The Corn Is Green (1940). She appeared in over 30 films, including None but the Lonely Heart (1944, Academy Award) and The Spiral Staircase (1946). Their brother John (1882-1942) was acclaimed in such plays as Justice (1916), Richard III (1920), and especially Hamlet (1922). His films include Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1920) and Dinner at Eight (1933). An alcoholic, he was known for his flamboyant behavior. John's granddaughter Drew Barrymore (born 1975) first won notice at age 7 in E.T. (1982).

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