
Persian Gulf War,亦称海湾战争(Gulf War)。



Persian Gulf War

International conflict triggered by Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in August 1990. Though justified by S. Hussein, the Iraqi leader, on grounds that Kuwait was illegally taking oil from an Iraqi field, the invasion was presumed to be principally motivated by desire to acquire Kuwait's own rich oil fields. The U.S. and its NATO allies, supported by a coalition of Arab nations, began massing troops in Saudi Arabia that month; when a UN Security Council deadline for Iraq's withdrawal was ignored, a massive U.S.-led air offensive against Iraq began (January 16/17, 1991). Saddam Hussein, the Iraqi leader, responded by pumping millions of gallons of Kuwaiti oil into the gulf. A powerful ground offensive (February 24-28) achieved victory almost immediately, though not before Hussein had had scores of oil wells set alight; the last were not extinguished for some eight months. Estimates for Iraqi military deaths range from 8,000 to 100,000; the Allies lost about 300 troops. Hussein subsequently faced widespread popular uprisings, which he managed to quell. A UN-sanctioned trade embargo remained in effect, pending destruction of Iraq's chemical- and nuclear-weapons research facilities, through the decade.

分类标签: 伊拉克 科威特 Hussein