
Carver, George Washington

美国农业化学家和农艺学家。母亲为女奴,幼年生活於农场主的种植园中,後来离开,作过各种卑贱的工作,一直到二十几岁才获得高中教育机会,後入爱荷华州立农学院,最後获硕士学位。1896年为阿拉巴马州塔斯基吉学院的农业研究负责人,协助制定南方农业开发计画。为使他能集中精力於研究工作,华盛顿(B. T. Washington)於1910年免去其行政职务。他种植花生、黄豆等能使土壤变肥沃的作物,改革南方只生产棉花的单一农业经济,以免造成土壤贫瘠。1940年花生已成为全美六种主要农作物之一,在南方成为仅次於棉花居第二位的经济作物。後来从花生研究出三百多个衍生产品和从甘薯制造出一百一十八个衍生产品。第二次世界大战期间,他发明五百种染料以取代不再能从欧洲获得的染料。虽在国际获得极大的声誉,还有人提供非常好的工作机会给他,但他仍终生待在塔斯基吉学院。1940年捐出毕生积蓄在当地成立喀威尔研究基金会。


Carver, George Washington

U.S. agricultural chemist and agronomist. Born a slave near Diamond Grove, Mo., Carver lived until age 10 or 12 on his former owner's plantation, then left and worked at a variety of menial jobs. He did not obtain a high-school education until his late twenties; he then obtained bachelor's and master's degrees from Iowa State Agricultural College. In 1896 he joined Booker T. Washington at the Tuskegee Institute (now Tuskegee Univ.) in Alabama, where he became director of agricultural research. He was soon promoting the planting of peanuts and soybeans, legumes that he knew would help restore the fertility of southern U.S. soil depleted from cotton cropping. To make such crops profitable, he worked intensively with the sweet potato and the peanut (then not even recognized as a crop), ultimately developing 118 derivative products from sweet potatoes and 300 from peanuts. His efforts helped liberate the South from its untenable cotton dependency; by 1940 the peanut was the South's second largest cash crop. During World War II he devised 500 dyes to replace those no longer available from Europe. Despite international acclaim and extraordinary job offers, he remained at Tuskegee throughout his life, donating his life's savings in 1940 to establish the Carver Research Foundation at Tuskegee.

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