
Copland, Aaron

美国作曲家,善於以一种富有表现力的现代风格,展现出以美国主题为特色的音乐。父母为俄罗斯犹太移民。在法国枫丹白露随鲁宾.戈德马克和布朗热学习。虽然他的兴趣广泛,但他的音乐吸收了美国音乐的特色,尤其是1930年代以後。他和赛兴士(R. Sessions)一起赞助纽约的一系列新音乐的音乐会,与人共同创办美国作曲家联盟,并担任主席(1937~1945)。在伯克夏音乐中心(Berkshire Music Center)任教逾二十年。他着名的三部芭蕾舞剧︰《比利小子》(1938)、《牧区竞技》(1942)和《阿帕拉契之春》(1944,获普立兹奖)。他作了一系列电影音乐,其中最着名的是《人鼠之间》(1939)、《我们的城镇》(1940)和《女继承人》(1948)。他的管弦乐作品有一首钢琴协奏曲(1926)、《墨西哥沙龙》(1936)、《林肯素描》(1942)、一首单簧管协奏曲(1948)、三首交响曲(1924、1933、1946)。其他作品还有:歌剧《第二次飓风》(1937)和《温柔乡》(1954)等。


Copland, Aaron

U.S. composer. Born to immigrant parents in Brooklyn, N.Y., he studied with Rubin Goldmark and later with N. Boulanger at Fontainebleau. Though cosmopolitan in his tastes, he adopted notably American traits in his music, especially after c. 1930. With R. Sessions, he sponsored an important series of new-music concerts in New York. He cofounded the American Composers Alliance, serving as president 1937-45. For over 20 years he headed the Berkshire Music Center's faculty. Famously public-spirited and generous, he came to be unofficially regarded as the U.S.'s national composer. He is best known for his ballets, including Billy the Kid (1938), Rodeo (1942), and Appalachian Spring (1944, Pulitzer Prize). His influential film scores include Of Mice and Men (1939), Our Town (1940), and The Heiress (1948). His orchestral works include a piano concerto (1926), El Salón México (1936), A Lincoln Portrait (1942), a clarinet concerto (1948), and three symphonies (1924, 1933, 1946). His other works include the operas The Second Hurricane (1936) and The Tender Land (1954), the piano trio Vitebsk (1929), and the Piano Variations (1930).

分类标签: 美国 and 音乐