
Le Corbusier,原名Charles-édouard Jeanneret。

瑞士裔法籍建筑师和城市规画师。父为钟表匠,十三岁就开始研究各种表面的漆法和雕刻,後来老师鼓励他成为建筑师。他自学成才,1907~1911年赴欧旅行期间,发展出许多概念,对古典比例、几何形体、明暗处理和风景背景有所体验和理解。在巴黎定居後,与画家欧珍方(A. Ozenfant, 1886~1966)有系统地阐述了纯粹主义,这是建立在现代科技的一种美学概念。早期作品包括摩天大楼城市和大量生产的住宅的理论性计画,他认为「住宅是居住的机器」。1922年在秋季展览会展出的准备工业化生产的两所示范住宅表现了前期作品的中心思想,其中西特罗昂住宅表现了他所认为的现代建筑的五项特点︰底层透空,只有柱子支承上层;屋顶平台,可用作花园和住宅的一个重要部分;平面布置开敞;无装饰的立面;条形的窗,以保证结构框架的独立性。内部空间表现了明显的对比︰高敞的起居部分和阁楼式的卧室。战後的重要作品有马赛公寓(1945~1952)、朗香的圣母院(1950~1955),以及印度旁遮普邦新首府昌迪加尔的行政建筑(始於1950年),使用了粗糙不加修饰的混凝土墙面,巨大的混凝土遮阳板,雕塑式的立面,流线型的屋顶线,宏伟壮丽的坡道等。其着作甚多,为他所创造的世界性前卫建筑运动奠定了厚实基础。


Le Corbusier

Swiss-French architect and city planner. At 13 he began studying enameling and engraving of watch faces; his teacher encouraged him to become an architect. He developed many of his ideas during his travels through Europe (1907-11). After settling in Paris, Le Corbusier (his assumed name, from the surname of an ancestor) and the painter Amédée Ozenfant (1886-1966) formulated the ideas of Purism, with an aesthetic based on modern technology. His early work included theoretical plans for skyscraper cities and mass-produced housing; he declared that “a house is a machine for living in.” The Villa Savoye at Poissy (1929-30), with its structure raised on slender pillars, open floor plan, long strip windows, and roof terrace, embodied his principles of modern housing. Later works include the Unité d'Habitation and the lyrical chapel of Notre-Dame-du-Haut at Ronchamp (1950-55). His government buildings at Chandigarh, India (begun 1950), with their enormous concrete sunshades, sculptural facades, and swooping rooflines, represent the first large-scale application of his city-planning principles. Le Corbusier's many writings gave a firm foundation to the worldwide avant-garde architectural movement he created.

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