
混合了伊斯兰教和黑人国家主义等因素的非洲裔美国人的宗教运动。1931年由法尔德(W. D. Fard,1877年~1934?)发起,他自称是生於麦加的穆斯林,并在底特律兴建第一座清真寺。1934年法尔德神秘失踪,其位由助手以利亚.穆罕默德继任。他在芝加哥建立了第二座清真寺。他主张非洲人造道德和文化上优於白人,并命令黑人放弃基督教,认为基督教是白种人奴役非白种人的主要策略。第二次世界大战後伊斯兰民族组织成长迅速,在1960年代初期因马尔科姆.艾克斯的表现,该运动为全国所瞩目。领导权的纷争导致马尔科姆另组一派,1965年他被暗杀。1970年代以利亚.穆罕默德由其子瓦里兹.丁恩.穆罕默德(生於1933年)继承其位,他将组织改名为美国穆斯林传教会。1985年他将组织解散,并敦促其成员加入正统伊斯兰教。一个由法拉坎领导的支团,继续该组织的原始名称及创立时的主张。

Islam, Nation of

African-American religious movement that mingles elements of Islam and black nationalism. It was founded in 1931 by Wallace D. Fard (1877?-1934?), who claimed to have been born a Muslim in Mecca and who established its first mosque in Detroit. After Fard's mysterious disappearance in 1934, it was taken over by his assistant Elijah Muhammad, who founded a second temple in Chicago. He asserted the moral and cultural superiority of Africans over whites and urged American blacks to renounce Christianity as a tool of the oppressors. The Nation of Islam grew quickly after World War II, and in the early 1960s it achieved national prominence through the work of Malcolm X. Leadership disputes led to Malcolm's forming a separate organization and finally to his assassination in 1965. In the 1970s Elijah Muhammad was succeeded by his son, Wallace D. Muhammad (born 1933), who renamed the organization the American Muslim Mission. In 1985 he dissolved the Mission, urging its members to become orthodox Muslims. A splinter group headed by Louis Farrakhan retains the movement's original name and principles.
