
Fellini, Federico

义大利电影导演。1938年前往佛罗伦斯,为一家幽默周刊和科幻漫画报工作。第二次世界大战期间,他逃避兵役,1940年成为一家销路很广的讽刺周刊的编辑。後来与导演罗塞里尼在电影编剧上合作拍摄《不设防城市》(1945)和《游击队》(1946),1952年第一次独自执导电影,虽然票房失败,但他的下一部电影《流浪汉》(1953)却博得好评。後来拍摄的《大路》(1954;获奥斯卡奖)、《加比里亚之夜》(1956;获奥斯卡奖)和《甜蜜生活》(1960)等片为他赢得国际声誉。他继续发展自己与众不同的典型自传体影片风格,这是一种诗意的超现实主义风格,营造出一种怪诞但又引人共鸣的感觉,如《八又二分之一》(1963;获奥斯卡奖),但是他後来转向制作华丽大场面的电影,如《鬼迷朱丽》(1965)和《爱情神话》(1969)。之後拍摄的最佳影片是《往事》(1974)和《舞国》(1986)。他的妻子玛茜娜(G. Masina)曾在他所拍的几部影片中担任主角。1993年获颁奥斯卡终身成就奖。


Fellini, Federico

Italian film director. After collaborating with Roberto Rossellini on the screenplays for Open City (1945) and Paisan (1946), he undertook his first solo venture in 1952. It failed, but his next film, I vitelloni (1953), was a critical success. He won international acclaim with La strada (1954, Academy Award), The Nights of Cabiria (1957, Academy Award), and La dolce vita (1960). He continued his distinctive autobiographical style of filmmaking—a kind of poetic surrealism that displayed a sympathetic fascination with the bizarre—in 812 (1963, Academy Award), but turned to gaudy spectacle in Juliet of the Spirits (1965) and Fellini Satyricon (1969). The best of his later films were Amarcord (1973, Academy Award) and the nostalgic Ginger and Fred (1985). His wife, Giulietta Masina (1920-1994), starred in several of his films. He was awarded a special Academy Award for lifetime achievement in 1992.

分类标签: 奥斯卡奖 Academy 电影